Universal Format (UniForm)

Delta Universal Format (UniForm) allows you to read Delta tables with Iceberg and Hudi clients.

UniForm takes advantage of the fact that Delta Lake, Iceberg, and Hudi all consist of Parquet data files and a metadata layer. UniForm automatically generates Iceberg metadata asynchronously, allowing Iceberg clients to read Delta tables as if they were Iceberg or Hudi tables. You can expect negligible Delta write overhead when UniForm is enabled, as the metadata conversion and transaction occurs asynchronously after the Delta commit.

A single copy of the data files provides access to clients of all formats.


To enable UniForm, you must fulfill the following requirements:

Uniform Iceberg

  • The table must have column mapping enabled. See Delta column mapping.

  • The Delta table must have a minReaderVersion >= 2 and minWriterVersion >= 7.

  • Writes to the table must use Delta Lake 3.1 or above.

  • Hive Metastore (HMS) must be configured as the catalog. See the HMS documentation for how to configure Apache Spark to use Hive Metastore.

Uniform Hudi (preview)

  • Writes to the table must use Delta Lake 3.2 or above.

Enable Delta Lake UniForm


Enabling Delta UniForm Iceberg requires the Delta table feature IcebergCompatV2, a write protocol feature. Only clients that support this table feature can write to enabled tables. You must use Delta Lake 3.1 or above to write to Delta tables with this feature enabled.

Enabling Delta UniForm Iceberg requires “delta-iceberg” to be provided to Spark shell: –packages io.delta:io.delta:delta-iceberg_2.12:<version>

Enabling Delta UniForm Hudi requires “delta-hudi” to be provided to Spark shell: –packages io.delta:io.delta:delta-hudi_2.12:<version>

The following table properties enable UniForm support for Iceberg.

'delta.enableIcebergCompatV2' = 'true'
'delta.universalFormat.enabledFormats' = 'iceberg'

The following table properties enable UniForm support for Hudi.

'delta.universalFormat.enabledFormats' = 'hudi'

The following table properties enable UniForm support for both.

'delta.enableIcebergCompatV2' = 'true'
'delta.universalFormat.enabledFormats' = 'iceberg,hudi'

You must also enable column mapping to use UniForm. It is set automatically during table creation, as in the following example:

  'delta.enableIcebergCompatV2' = 'true',
  'delta.universalFormat.enabledFormats' = 'iceberg');

In Delta 3.3 and above, you can enable or upgrade UniForm Iceberg on an existing table using the following syntax:

  'delta.enableIcebergCompatV2' = 'true',
  'delta.universalFormat.enabledFormats' = 'iceberg');

You can also use REORG to enable UniForm Iceberg and rewrite underlying data files, as in the following example:


Use REORG if any of following are true:

  • Your table has deletion vectors enabled.

  • You previously enabled the IcebergCompatV1 version of UniForm Iceberg.

  • You need to read from Iceberg engines that don’t support Hive-style Parquet files, such as Athena or Redshift.

You can enable UniForm Hudi on an existing table using the following syntax:

ALTER TABLE table_name SET TBLPROPERTIES ('delta.universalFormat.enabledFormats' = 'hudi');


This syntax requires Delta column mapping to be enabled on the table prior to running on Delta 3.1. This syntax also works to upgrade from the IcbergCompatV1. It may rewrite existing files to make those Iceberg compatible, and it automatically disables and purges Deletion Vectors from the table.


When you first enable UniForm, asynchronous metadata generation begins. This task must complete before external clients can query the table using Iceberg or Hudi. See Check Iceberg/Hudi metadata generation status.


You can turn off UniForm by unsetting the delta.universalFormat.enabledFormats table property. You cannot turn off column mapping once enabled, and upgrades to Delta Lake reader and writer protocol versions cannot be undone.

See Limitations.

When does UniForm generate metadata?

Delta Lake triggers Iceberg/Hudi metadata generation asynchronously after a Delta Lake write transaction completes using the same compute that completed the Delta transaction.

Iceberg/Hudi can have significantly higher write latencies than Delta Lake. Delta tables with frequent commits might bundle multiple Delta commits into a single Iceberg/Hudi commit.

Delta Lake ensures that only one metadata generation process per format is in progress at any time in a single cluster. Commits that would trigger a second concurrent metadata generation process successfully commit to Delta, but do not trigger asynchronous metadata generation. This prevents cascading latency for metadata generation for workloads with frequent commits (seconds to minutes between commits).

Check Iceberg/Hudi metadata generation status

UniForm adds the following properties to Iceberg/Hudi table metadata to track metadata generation status:

Table property



The latest version of the Delta table for which metadata was successfully generated.


The timestamp of the latest Delta commit for which metadata was successfully generated.

See documentation for your Iceberg/Hudi reader client for how to review table properties outside Delta Lake. For Apache Spark, you can see these properties using the following syntax:


Read UniForm tables as Iceberg tables in Apache Spark

You are able to read UniForm tables as Iceberg tables in Apache Spark with the following steps:

  • Start Apache Spark with Iceberg, and connect to the Hive Metastore used by UniForm. Please refer to the Iceberg documentation for how to run Iceberg with Apache Spark and connect to a Hive Metastore.

  • Use the SHOW TABLES command to see a list of available Iceberg tables in the catalog.

  • Read an Iceberg table using standard SQL such as SELECT.

Read UniForm tables as Iceberg tables using a metadata JSON path

Some Iceberg clients allow you to register external Iceberg tables by providing a path to versioned metadata files. Each time UniForm converts a new version of the Delta table to Iceberg, it creates a new metadata JSON file.

Clients that use metadata JSON paths for configuring Iceberg include BigQuery. Refer to documentation for the Iceberg reader client for configuration details.

Delta Lake stores Iceberg metadata under the table directory, using the following pattern:


Read UniForm tables as Hudi tables in Apache Spark

You are able to read UniForm tables as Hudi tables in Apache Spark with the following steps:

spark.read.format("hudi").option("hoodie.metadata.enable", "true").load("PATH_TO_UNIFORM_TABLE_DIRECTORY")

Delta and Iceberg/Hudi table versions

All Delta Lake, Iceberg and Hudi allow time travel queries using table versions or timestamps stored in table metadata.

Delta and Iceberg table versions do not align by either the commit timestamp or the version ID. However, Delta and Hudi commit timestamp align, but version ID does not. If you wish to verify which version of a Delta table a given version of an Iceberg/Hudi table corresponds to, you can use the corresponding table properties set on the Iceberg/Hudi table. See Check Iceberg/Hudi metadata generation status.



UniForm is read-only from an Iceberg and Hudi perspective. This, however, cannot be enforced as for Iceberg, UniForm uses HMS as an Iceberg catalog and for Hudi, metadata is stored on the file system. If any external writer (not Delta Lake) writes to this Iceberg/Hudi table, this may destroy your Delta table and cause data loss, as the Iceberg/Hudi writer may perform data cleanup or garbage collection that Delta is unaware of.

The following limitations exist:

  • UniForm does not work on tables with deletion vectors enabled. See What are deletion vectors?.

  • Delta tables with UniForm enabled do not support VOID type.

  • Iceberg/Hudi clients can only read from UniForm. Writes are not supported.

  • Iceberg/Hudi reader clients might have individual limitations, regardless of UniForm. See documentation for your target client.

The following Delta Lake features work for Delta clients when UniForm is enabled, but do not have support in Iceberg:

  • Change Data Feed

  • Delta Sharing