Class DeltaMergeBuilder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DeltaMergeBuilder
    extends Object
    implements, org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
    Builder to specify how to merge data from source DataFrame into the target Delta table. You can specify any number of whenMatched and whenNotMatched clauses. Here are the constraints on these clauses.

    - whenMatched clauses:

    - There can be at most one update action and one delete action in whenMatched clauses.

    - Each whenMatched clause can have an optional condition. However, if there are two whenMatched clauses, then the first one must have a condition.

    - When there are two whenMatched clauses and there are conditions (or the lack of) such that a row matches both clauses, then the first clause/action is executed. In other words, the order of the whenMatched clauses matter.

    - If none of the whenMatched clauses match a source-target row pair that satisfy the merge condition, then the target rows will not be updated or deleted.

    - If you want to update all the columns of the target Delta table with the corresponding column of the source DataFrame, then you can use the whenMatched(...).updateAll(). This is equivalent to

               ("col1", "source.col1"),
               ("col2", "source.col2"),

    - whenNotMatched clauses:

    - This clause can have only an insert action, which can have an optional condition.

    - If the whenNotMatched clause is not present or if it is present but the non-matching source row does not satisfy the condition, then the source row is not inserted.

    - If you want to insert all the columns of the target Delta table with the corresponding column of the source DataFrame, then you can use whenMatched(...).insertAll(). This is equivalent to

               ("col1", "source.col1"),
               ("col2", "source.col2"),

    Scala example to update a key-value Delta table with new key-values from a source DataFrame:

           "target.key = source.key")
           "value" -> "source.value"))
           "key" -> "source.key",
           "value" -> "source.value"))

    Java example to update a key-value Delta table with new key-values from a source DataFrame:

           "target.key = source.key")
            new HashMap<String, String>() {{
              put("value", "source.value");
            new HashMap<String, String>() {{
             put("key", "source.key");
             put("value", "source.value");

    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface,$
      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.apache.spark.internal.Logging

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void execute()
      Execute the merge operation based on the built matched and not matched actions.
      DeltaMergeMatchedActionBuilder whenMatched()
      Build the actions to perform when the merge condition was matched.
      DeltaMergeMatchedActionBuilder whenMatched​(String condition)
      Build the actions to perform when the merge condition was matched and the given condition is true.
      DeltaMergeMatchedActionBuilder whenMatched​(org.apache.spark.sql.Column condition)
      Build the actions to perform when the merge condition was matched and the given condition is true.
      DeltaMergeNotMatchedActionBuilder whenNotMatched()
      Build the action to perform when the merge condition was not matched.
      DeltaMergeNotMatchedActionBuilder whenNotMatched​(String condition)
      Build the actions to perform when the merge condition was not matched and the given condition is true.
      DeltaMergeNotMatchedActionBuilder whenNotMatched​(org.apache.spark.sql.Column condition)
      Build the actions to perform when the merge condition was not matched and the given condition is true.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
      • Methods inherited from interface

        improveUnsupportedOpError, resolveReferencesForExpressions, toDataset, tryResolveReferences, tryResolveReferencesForExpressions
      • Methods inherited from interface org.apache.spark.internal.Logging

        initializeForcefully, initializeLogIfNecessary, initializeLogIfNecessary, initializeLogIfNecessary$default$2, isTraceEnabled, log, logDebug, logDebug, logError, logError, logInfo, logInfo, logName, logTrace, logTrace, logWarning, logWarning, org$apache$spark$internal$Logging$$log_, org$apache$spark$internal$Logging$$log__$eq
    • Constructor Detail

      • DeltaMergeBuilder

        public DeltaMergeBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • whenMatched

        public DeltaMergeMatchedActionBuilder whenMatched()
        Build the actions to perform when the merge condition was matched. This returns DeltaMergeMatchedActionBuilder object which can be used to specify how to update or delete the matched target table row with the source row.
      • whenMatched

        public DeltaMergeMatchedActionBuilder whenMatched​(String condition)
        Build the actions to perform when the merge condition was matched and the given condition is true. This returns DeltaMergeMatchedActionBuilder object which can be used to specify how to update or delete the matched target table row with the source row.

        condition - boolean expression as a SQL formatted string
      • whenMatched

        public DeltaMergeMatchedActionBuilder whenMatched​(org.apache.spark.sql.Column condition)
        Build the actions to perform when the merge condition was matched and the given condition is true. This returns a DeltaMergeMatchedActionBuilder object which can be used to specify how to update or delete the matched target table row with the source row.

        condition - boolean expression as a Column object
      • whenNotMatched

        public DeltaMergeNotMatchedActionBuilder whenNotMatched​(String condition)
        Build the actions to perform when the merge condition was not matched and the given condition is true. This returns DeltaMergeMatchedActionBuilder object which can be used to specify how to insert the new sourced row into the target table.

        condition - boolean expression as a SQL formatted string
      • whenNotMatched

        public DeltaMergeNotMatchedActionBuilder whenNotMatched​(org.apache.spark.sql.Column condition)
        Build the actions to perform when the merge condition was not matched and the given condition is true. This returns DeltaMergeMatchedActionBuilder object which can be used to specify how to insert the new sourced row into the target table.

        condition - boolean expression as a Column object
      • execute

        public void execute()
        Execute the merge operation based on the built matched and not matched actions.
