Class DeltaMergeNotMatchedActionBuilder

  • public class DeltaMergeNotMatchedActionBuilder
    extends Object
    Builder class to specify the actions to perform when a source row has not matched any target Delta table row based on the merge condition, but has matched the additional condition if specified.

    See DeltaMergeBuilder for more information.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      DeltaMergeBuilder insert​(java.util.Map<String,​org.apache.spark.sql.Column> values)
      Insert a new row to the target table based on the rules defined by values.
      DeltaMergeBuilder insert​(scala.collection.Map<String,​org.apache.spark.sql.Column> values)
      Insert a new row to the target table based on the rules defined by values.
      DeltaMergeBuilder insertAll()
      Insert a new target Delta table row by assigning the target columns to the values of the corresponding columns in the source row.
      DeltaMergeBuilder insertExpr​(java.util.Map<String,​String> values)
      Insert a new row to the target table based on the rules defined by values.
      DeltaMergeBuilder insertExpr​(scala.collection.Map<String,​String> values)
      Insert a new row to the target table based on the rules defined by values.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • DeltaMergeNotMatchedActionBuilder

        public DeltaMergeNotMatchedActionBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • insert

        public DeltaMergeBuilder insert​(scala.collection.Map<String,​org.apache.spark.sql.Column> values)
        Insert a new row to the target table based on the rules defined by values.

        values - rules to insert a row as a Scala map between target column names and corresponding expressions as Column objects.
      • insertExpr

        public DeltaMergeBuilder insertExpr​(scala.collection.Map<String,​String> values)
        Insert a new row to the target table based on the rules defined by values.

        values - rules to insert a row as a Scala map between target column names and corresponding expressions as SQL formatted strings.
      • insert

        public DeltaMergeBuilder insert​(java.util.Map<String,​org.apache.spark.sql.Column> values)
        Insert a new row to the target table based on the rules defined by values.

        values - rules to insert a row as a Java map between target column names and corresponding expressions as Column objects.
      • insertExpr

        public DeltaMergeBuilder insertExpr​(java.util.Map<String,​String> values)
        Insert a new row to the target table based on the rules defined by values.

        values - rules to insert a row as a Java map between target column names and corresponding expressions as SQL formatted strings.

      • insertAll

        public DeltaMergeBuilder insertAll()
        Insert a new target Delta table row by assigning the target columns to the values of the corresponding columns in the source row.